August or Agustus

I`ve been quite productive these weekends, somehow i manage finish all the pending works from before.

Since i need to get a job, i need to finish my primary website. It`s done already, you can see it here: noelsahelangi


I still hoping to work as 2D artist / illustrator, but if i got a job as web designer it`s also fine. (i really need a job… someone, please hire me! DX)

Well, enough for that. Here`s my latest picture that i made.

John C. Maxwell digital painting


I manage to do it in 2 days. Well, i still need lots of practice to make it only in 1 day. :p

That`s all for today, and make sure you visit my weekly 4koma website here: MasterLink; Daily

Thanks for reading^^


Bonus: What i draw when i bored… (maybe i`ll finish it later. :D)
